EIN SCHÖNES BILD, 2023 (video 9:40 min.) "The question that bothered me was why we hadn’t not learned Polish before the war. During the war, it would perhaps have been understandable, in our heads the image of the enemy had already been formed. Long before the war, our parents learned only French and English. When someone had the urge to get a taste of culture, they went to Vienna or Berlin. The fact that Kraków existed has only recently occurred to me. Poland was always our closest and longest border. One time I was talking about it with a Pole in Kraków, who said: ‘It was very similar with us. We also didn't learn Russian and didn't go to St. Petersburg. We always turned to the West. And you should not be surprised, after all, the light bulb also came from there. It had nothing to do with politics, you looked at where inventions came from. Only later did politics take advantage of it.’" The above quote is from Melitta Sallai's book “From Muhrau to Morawa” (”Von Muhrau nach Morawa”), a memoir by the author written in the original in her native German. The book was translated into Polish, which Sallai didn't begin to learn until the 1990s, when, already retired, she came to Morawa permanently. In Ein Schönes Bild, I ask Ms. Melitta to repeat after me the sentences from the Polish edition of her book. In doing so, we attempted to confront her own foreign-sounding memories.